If you pay the registration fees by bank transfer, please specify in the comments the title(s) of the montages concerned.
To the order of CLIC TRIEL
Send the check to the following address: CLIC TRIEL 44 rue des Creneaux, 78510 TRIEL SUR SEINE, FRANCE and write on the back of the check the title(s) of the arrangements concerned.
Paypal (please specify in the comments the title(s) of the montages concerned)
Please select at least one payment option to render widget preview
3 – File The file must include: - Editing in “MP4” video format - A poster of the assembly (vertical format dimensions 850×1080 pixels max) - A portrait of the author (vertical format dimensions 850×1080 pixels max) The registration form must be completed
to validate the registration.
Sending the file
- Imperatively by
or equivalent to: lacoupelumiere@gmail.com
Registration will be validated by:
1- The registration form which must be completed.
2- Payment of duties
3- Sending a file (your montage your portrait the poster)